September, 2024

Our Experience at the Habitare Fair


Held annually since 1970, Habitare has grown to become the largest furniture, design, and interior decoration event in the Nordic countries.

At the Habitare Fair, we had the chance to showcase WOH products and gather valuable feedback from visitors. During the five days (10–14 September) of Habitare 2024, the event attracted an impressive 45,300 visitors, providing us with a fantastic opportunity to connect with a wide audience of design enthusiasts, industry professionals, and potential customers.


One of the highlights was the interest in our clothes rack NörkRack. This sparked the idea of offering a custom-made option in our store, where customers could select the length, color, and the number of hooks. Visitors also loved the concept of using NörkRack for handbag storage.


Our hangers stood out, drawing considerable attention for their elegant and functional design. Many visitors took the time to examine them closely and share their appreciation for the craftsmanship, with several commenting on their sleek look and practicality. They quickly became our most popular item at the fair, and this demand continued afterward, with strong interest from the contacts we gathered during the event.

Similarly, our laptop sleeves generated a lot of interest, appealing to those looking for stylish yet protective accessories for their devices. Visitors were drawn to their premium materials, which provided both aesthetic appeal and practical functionality. Many appreciated the blend of durability and elegance, making the sleeves an ideal choice for professionals and students alike who want to protect their laptops while maintaining a polished look.


Overall, Habitare was a fantastic and well-attended event. Around 90% of the visitors appeared to be local, and Saturday was the busiest day, with large crowds from morning to afternoon. The fair featured two main halls: one with a marketplace atmosphere focused on sales, and another dedicated to brand showcases, where our exhibit was located. It was clear that visitors were eager to explore and make purchases in both areas, making it a rewarding experience for us.


Thank you for visiting us!